Update category Road map detail Notes Status
System critical PHP 7.2 upgrade In testing In progress
System critical Upgrade PHP Framework (with or without PHP 7.2 upgrade) In testing In progress
Functionality critical Media Centre Upgrades Developing global upload facility (first stage – blueprint) In progress
Updating Existing Functionality Updating password encryption In progress
Updating Existing Functionality CMS Action Behavious (all areas) Research Testing
Updating Existing Functionality Activity Logs Investigation In progress
Updating Existing Functionality SEO Management
Updating Existing Functionality Taxonomy Management
Updating Existing Functionality Storing emojis in the database Completed
Extending Existing Functionality Build template pages following the HTML development process
Provider User and Developer documentation so that we can expand on our developer base (if needed) or allow the team to install with ease
Modules and Module templates

Deleting / purging content automatically when deleting modules/templates

System Request Queuing

Reduce time between doing concurrent actions. Such as connecting to thankQ, sending bulk emails etc..

In progress

Critical Core System Updates:


Added: Ability to clone page templates for page/post content.

Fixed: Issue with images uploaded with the incorrect orientation. CMS now rectifies this.

Upgrade Notes: Updates require no further changes other than uploading core HB3 files (both theme and functional).

Fixed: Issues around rendering theme views and duplicating page content.


* Core permissions missing (modules and module templates)

* Queuing facilities (tracking, alerting and logging)

* Page URLs not being sluggified after manual entry

* Handling deleted taxonomy notes

* Edit users/roles – ability to see most upper layer role

* Password protected items